Saturday, October 3, 2009


This is my third attempt at writing a blog. I don't like writing about things that I've been doing, mainly because I'm a really REALLY boring person, but also because I get distracted easily when I do have exciting news. And, let's face it, if you know me, chances are that I'll tell you in person, right?

Therefore, I've come up with this BRILLIANT notion that I should write about the books that I've been reading! Why? Because I love reading books. Which is part of the reason why my life is so dull. I also love talking about the books that I've been reading. Or books that I would like to read. So, I figure that for every book I read, I'll do a little write up on it. Like a book review, only with my commentary about why I liked (or, heaven forbid, did NOT like) the story, characters, etc.

This way, I should be updating more frequently, and hopefully it'll be more entertaining than my own life.


  1. You are sneaky. I love this idea, C! I look forward to reading your reviews!

    PS. Talk to the boss. He wanted me to write book reviews once upon a time ago. I'm bad at it, you are not. Could be fun! :)

  2. Your blog looks great.

    Our company has been representing authors for the past twenty years.We would love to add you to our database to receive press releasesfrom them regarding books applicable to the genres you review.

    Thank you in advance,

    Ken Eason
    Bostick Communications
