Magic Bleeds - book 4 of the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews - explored Kate's relationships with various people and groups in the different aspects of her life.
For familial relationships, Kate meets her crazy aunt Erra - and has to stop her from killing everyone Kate has ever loved. Going against every lesson taught her by Voron, Kate has finally accepted others in to her life and in order to save her friends, Kate is willing to sacrifice herself. Even disposing of her aunt could draw unwanted attention from her father and Kate doesn't believe herself strong enough for that confrontation yet (and really, Ilona Andrews is contracted until book 7 so it can't end now!).
Regarding romantic relationships, Kate and Curran have finally hooked up. However, due to their stubborn personalities - plus the shapeshifter politics - has caused huge headaches and huge compromises for both parties. Kate has officially chosen Curran, and his Pack, over The Order, and as Curran's mate, she is now the alpha of all alphas. Changing her status within the Pack caused a huge upheaval, especially when Curran was in the coma; however, Kate was determined to prove herself worthy - against the better judgement of her advisors!
Kate's friendship with her best friend Andrea is now strained, since Kate was free to quit The Order when the Pack needed her. As an estranged beastkin who could have been killed in her youth by other shapeshifters, Andrea feels more loyal to The Order. Even the prejudices of Moynohan aren't enough to dissuade Andrea's faith in the core belief of The Order.
There was an interesting take on biblical stories as well, keeping with the author's theme of mythology. The author chose to use the story of Esau and Jacob, with Esau being the first vampire created by Roland. Another take was on Samson; in this version Samson being one of Erra's crazy offspring - who was growing out his hair because he was balding.
This book was a good read. It wasn't as action packed as the others and Kate's heartache coloured her decisions; however, it was nice to see Kate act more human for a change - it's hard to relate to a character who feels no fear and doesn't have the same emotions as everyone else. I definitely think it's a shame that I'm going to have to wait 8-9 months before I can read the next book. I also do look forward to reading more about Kate's world, her friends and even her family.
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